The length could be driven in about 4½ hours.The Translation service allows you to easily translate from French to English language with one click of the mouse. At 60 miles per hour, a person could drive across it in a straight line in about 12 minutes. It is slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey in the USA. THE WORLD WILL BE IN SHOCK) “The Tribulation Ends” (THE FIRST OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES ENDS THE TRIBULATION) (Few Understand How Very Small Israel Really Is) The shape of Israel is approximately 263 miles long (or 424 km) and not very wide. (Falling Continued Throughout the Tribulation) (The Two Witnesses Continue) (Living Conditions) (Sores) (The Oceans, the Rivers, the Fountains of Water Will No Longer Support Life) (The Sun and Heat) (Darkness and Earthquakes) (Diseases) (Wars and Rumors of Wars and Wild animals) (A Famine of Hearing the Word) (The Seven Last Plagues) (China and the World) (The Advance) (The World and Israel’s condition) (Estimated Population and Numbers) (THE TWO WITNESSES OF GOD ARE KILLED) (THE TWO WITNESSES COME BACK TO LIFE. The Roman Catholic Church and Rome) (The Tribulation ContinuesThe First Part) (More Events From the First Part of the Tribulation) (Nearing the End of the First Part of the Tribulation) (The End of the First Part of the Tribulation is Very Close. “The Tribulation” (Russia and Its Allies Attack Israel) (World War 3) (Results of World War 3) (After WW3) (The Jews Return to Israel) (Mystery Babylon. Parsisiusti anglu kalbos zodynas parsisiusti nemokamai lietuviu-norvegu kalbos zodynas atsisiusti ispanu lietuviu zodynas.Ītsisiusti vokieciu lietuviu zodynas parsisiusti nemokamai anglu zodynas online anglu lietuviu kalbos zodynas atsisiustiYOU ARE TO “KNOW.” IT IS A COMMAND. Mongolų kalba Norvegų kalbos mokymasis: norvegų kalbos kursai, norvegų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas, norvegų kalbos Norvegų kalba Olangų kalbos mokymasis. Albanų kalba Nemokamos anglų kalbos pamokos, anglų kalbos kursai, anglų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas, anglų Anglų kalba Arabų kalbos mokymasis: arabų kalbos. Iš lietuvių kalbos išverstų į norvegų kalba. ŽODYNAI VERTIMAI TERMINAI SINONIMAI FRAZEOLOGIZMAI RAŠYBA.